Jewish Association Serving the Aging

Jewish Association Serving the Aging


247 West 37th Street
New York, NY 10018
Phone: (212) 273-5200
Help Center: (212) 273-5272
Online Contact Form:

Counites Served: Bronx, Kings (Brooklyn), New York (Manhattan), Queens, Richmond (Staten Island)

JASA is the go-to agency serving older adults in New York City, providing critical services to over 40,000 people annually. Founded 50+ years ago, JASA is a leading expert and innovator in aging services that recognizes the diversity among the aging population and honors older adults as vital members of society.

JASA’s life-changing support services, interventions and partnerships promote aging with a purpose and provide autonomy for older adults to remain in their homes and communities. JASA operates ten affordable housing properties, is a licensed home care agency and offers a breadth of integrative services citywide spanning free legal services, health and mental health services, home-delivered meals, social programming at senior centers and community trainings on elder abuse, peer health support, caregiver assistance and more.

Services Include:


Contact Information
247 West 37th Street, New York, New York 10018
(212) 273-5200
  • Kings
  • New York City
  • Queens
  • Richmond
  • Aging Services