Community Outreach

The NYS Kinship Navigator’s Regional Navigators are able to present in your local community.  We have presented at local and statewide conferences, local DSS’s, human service agencies, and other agencies that serve kinship families in need.  We have also presented to attorney’s via CLE trainings on kinship law.

Our staff is ready and willing to come to your community and educate your staff and caregivers on services provided by the Kinship Navigator, including information on kinship law, kinship resources, and financial assistance.  We also seek to collaborate with agencies in order to better connect kinship caregivers to services.

Our goal is to promote knowledge of kinship care, education to professionals and caregivers, and to promote access to services provided across New York State.

If you would like us to present to your community, lease call our help line at 877-454-6463 or email us at [email protected].  Below is a sample flyer that can be edited to fit your needs for advertising about our presentation.  When we present, we will provide a power point, promotional materials, and information about kinship law and services.


KN Promotional Materials