New Hampshire

New Hampshire Children’s Trust
[email protected]
“Eligibility Criteria for services:
Program participation is free, voluntary, and open to kinship caregivers who are raising a child/
children in the absence of the child’s biological parents.
The following are considered kinship caregiver arrangements:

  • Division for Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) placement
  • Legal Guardianship
  • Adoption
  • Informal/family arrangement
  • Foster care

List of Services and Supports:

  • Caregiver Education & Support: Support groups, PASTA (Parenting a Second Time Around) curriculum
  • Family Mentoring & Support: In-home or virtual parenting education, (e.g., Growing Great Kids, Growing Great Families, PASTA, Positive Solutions for Families, etc.), supportive services, and mentoring designed to improve parenting, self-sufficiency, and family functioning
  • Medical & Health Education: Linking with family healthcare providers and linkage to resources to obtain health insurance and healthcare for the child(ren) in their care
  • Education: Collaborating with programs like Head Start and the school systems; support accessing affordable childcare; advocacy to ensure the child’s needs are being met and the caregiver has the necessary resources to support learning
  • Literacy Education and Support: Support with understanding various community supports and services specific to family needs; guiding families through benefits and eligibility applications; distribution of Healthy Readers Program books to eligible enrolled children
  • Emotional Support & Advocacy: Provide emotional support to kinship caregivers in times of need; advocate for both kinship caregivers and children as they navigate a complex network of programs and benefits.
  • Concrete Supports: Each Kinship Navigation Program has access to financial resources which enable Navigators to provide concrete supports which cannot be accessed elsewhere. This may include gas cards to support participation in a group, seasonal clothing, limited car repairs, and so on.
  • Follow-up services

Monday-Friday, 9AM-5PM